Spring Half Term Revision Courses

Beat the January Blues!

Savings available for all bookings made this month – ending 31st January.

Course Details

The academic year is disappearing and the exams are fast approaching!  As revision course specialists for more than 27 years, we strongly recommend starting work on that revision timetable sooner, rather than later.  A Spring Half Term Revision Course is a great opportunity to focus on the exams ahead, to start revising and get exam ready, avoiding that last minute panic when the Easter holidays arrive.  It is now time to start the difficult task of ‘revising’.  Our expert tutors are on hand to assist, and this course aims to help reduce some of the study pressure students generally experience as the exams approach.

The Benefits

  • Help with all levels, be that revision for GCSE, IGCSE, IB or A Level
  • Create a bespoke timetable, selecting the specific subjects and papers to suit your revision needs, with the chance to focus on both subject content and exam practice, and maybe even touch on exam technique
  • Spend time with expert, experienced tutors in a friendly and relaxed learning environment.  Students feel comfortable, and are more at ease to ask pressing questions and gain the individual help they need
  • Fit revision in around your holiday plans, selecting dates and a course delivery to suit you, with face to face and online revision courses available
  • Choose from small group or guaranteed one to one tuition
"The tutors were very friendly and good at communicating concepts in an understandable way and they gave good tips for approaching questions."
Miss Hurley
GCSE Revision Courses
IGCSE Revision Courses
IB Revision Courses
A Level Revision Courses
Physics Tutorial

The Location:

  • d’Overbroeck’s, 333 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7PL and Online

The Dates:

Students may attend for 1 to 9 days of study, across the following dates:

  • Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd February

Please note that Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd are available online only.

The Course Fees:

A Level & IB Students

  • £285 per day for small group tuition*
  • £395 per day for guaranteed one-to-one tuition*

GCSE & IGCSE Students 

  • £265 per day for small group tuition*
  • £375 per day for guaranteed one-to-one tuition*

*plus VAT of 20%

The Subjects:

Most classroom subjects offered at GCSE, IGCSE, IB and A Level.

Book this month and beat the January Blues!

The January Blues Booking Rate:

A Level & IB Students

  • £245 per day for small group tuition*
  • £385 per day for guaranteed one-to-one tuition*

GCSE & IGCSE Students 

  • £225 per day for small group tuition*
  • £365 per day for guaranteed one-to-one tuition*

*plus VAT of 20%

Students working together in a relaxed learning environment.

The Timetable:

Please see the below example timetable, demonstrating a four day revision course.  Students may select one subject/paper per day. 

Our trusted teach and test method allows students to review subject content, working through troubling areas with our expert tutors, then putting their learning into practice via exam style questions during the independent exam practice.  This method allows students to confirm their understanding, identify any other trouble areas, and gain experience answering the type of questions that will feature in the exam, in an environment that provides them with support and feedback, aiming to build their confidence and reduce some of the exam pressure.

We believe that a 50 minute tutorial is optimum for concentration and our timetable provides sufficient breaks to ensure that students remain refreshed, throughout the day and ready for learning.  Following the course, our expert tutors complete detailed feedback reports, to support the student with their onward study.  In some cases, providing key pieces of advise for focused revision, as the exams approach.

For small group study, our maximum timetabled class size is 6 students, though the average is usually smaller than this. 

Half Term Timetable example

Tuition is held at the location of our sister company, Oxford International College.  A vibrant place to learn, with newly renovated classrooms and communal working spaces.  Located in the St Clement’s area of central Oxford there are convenient bus links to London and it is within walking distance of the train station.