
Interesting material written for you by experts in revision and exams

What to expect at Oxbridge Interviews

Author: a University Lecturer and published author of various books and academic papers

This post talks you through what to expect at an Oxbridge interview, considering points such as what to wear, how to prepare, what to expect at the interview, and dealing with offers thereafter.

Ten tips for writing better essays

Author: a University Lecturer and published author of various books and academic papers

This post considers some tips for writing better essays, relevant to a number of subjects.  It considers the benefits of planning, focusing in on what the question is asking for and thinking about your writing style.

Preparing for and Revising for Summer Exams

Author: Paul Templar

Given that many students at all levels including GCSE, A Level and above may have not sat many examinations due to COVID Lockdown, getting into the practice of managing your revision studies and preparing for your exams may be somewhat alien to you.  With the competitive employment we currently have it is important that you do the best you can in your exams to give you the best opportunity to progress in the career you want.  But do you know how to prepare.  Here are some tips to help you get it right.  I have identified 3 key areas to help with that preparation.

Taking on feedback to boost your exam results

Author: Dominic Fuge

This post considers ways to approach feedback, using feedback as a learning process, to assist in boosting your exam results, providing some key takeaways to use in your studies.

What to do right now to prepare for your summer exams

Author: a University Lecturer and published author of various books and academic papers

This post considers some tips to think about at the start of the revision period and how to plan time well before exams.

Dealing with exam anxiety

Author: a University Lecturer and published author of various books and academic papers

This post considers exam anxiety and aims to help students to make sure that anxiety around exams doesn’t stop them from reaching their full potential.

Revising for and taking exams in GCSE Modern Languages

Author: Stephanie

This post provides tips and ideas for how to approach the revision and exams for GCSE Modern Languages and is written by an ex-examiner, with key insight as to what is required.

Giving you the advantage – effective revision tips

Author: Dr Dan Casey

Geography Subject Lead, Academic Strategy Tutor, and Boarding House Warden for Oxford International College shares his top tips for effective revision ahead of exams.

How to Ace the English Literature A Level

Author: Chloe Peratikou

This detailed post gives insight into how to prepare for the English Literature A Level, considering areas such as learning the specification, building knowledge, being critical, and writing essay plans.

Types of Learners

Author: Chloe Peratikou

Ever wondered what type of learner you are and how by understanding this, you can learn, work and revise in more effective ways?  Chloe talks you through the types of learners and helps you to identify your learning type.

Results Day

Author: Your OXSS & OICA Team

A few words and thoughts from our team on results day, for both students and parents. A big well done to all, for making it through the exams!