Oxford Science Studies

GCSE Revision     IGCSE Revision     IB Revision     A Level Revision

We are revision specialists based in Oxford.  Founded in 1997, we have been running intensive revision courses for more than 27 years.  Our core business is just that, running successful revision and preparatory courses, be that in person or online. Our flexible, bespoke offerings make finding a suitable course easy, and our friendly staff and tutors allow for a relaxed learning environment, where students can ask questions at ease.

As the name Oxford Science Studies (OXSS) suggests, we originated as specialists in the sciences, though have long been offering most subjects at GCSE, IGCSE, IB and A Level.

With courses available year-round, we provide every opportunity for students to maintain focus on their studies, to revise and focus on what’s ahead, to boost confidence and ensure that they are best prepared for when the exams arrive, setting them up for success. 

Find out more about an upcoming revision course and apply today

For support outside of the holidays, choose Year-Round Tuition

Early Bird Booking Discounts are currently available for our: 

  • May Weekend Revision Course

Places are still available for our:

  • Easter Revision Course
  • Year-Round Online Subject Tuition