A Level Spanish

Top tip from one of our experienced Spanish tutors:

For all papers, a good bedrock of grammar will be needed. Some useful things to know are the subjunctive, conditional phrases (see below for a trick), using se for passive sentences, and control of long, complex sentences for more formal text types. Complex grammar and significantly clearer engagement with the culture (plus some literature/film) are what make the step up from GCSE, and you need it for everything: speaking and writing in an obvious way, but being able to untangle complex structures when reading/listening will make your answers in those two papers more efficient.

For more top tips, please read our blog on how best to revise for Spanish.

Please select your exam board from the list below:

Syllabus – Spanish:
Exam Papers – Spanish:

Mark Schemes – Spanish:

Exam board website – Spanish:
Last updated: 23/3/2023 at 19:53 for Z23
Syllabus – Spanish:
Exam Papers – Spanish:

Note: recent Paper 3’s not available        
Mark Schemes – Spanish:

Exam board website – Spanish:
Last updated: 31/3/2024 at 17:29 for Z24